High quality Humus Compost is the ’glue’ that holds the pieces of a sustainable soil fertility system together.
Humus Compost is produced by microbial decomposition of plant and animal feedstock followed by microbial polymerisation or build-up of humic substances in long chain polymers of humus, containing beneficial microbial population.
The production is a 10 week aerobic controlled cycle that is consistently repeatable with predictability. This aerobic process creates an optimal environment for aerobic microbes to flourish. High quality humus compost builds a microbial environment in which beneficial microbes thrive and multiply.
All too often organic matter that has been simply broken down is labelled compost. In our compost the real value comes after breakdown when long chain polymers of humus are produced by microbes that are supplemented to the compost by inoculation. Organic matter is not humus unless it has been through the body of a microbe.
The value of YLAD Humus Compost® comes from its ability to restore and expand biological activity in the soil while further enhancing the physical and chemical properties.