YLAD Capability Statement

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Does Biological Farming pay off?

Over the past three years YLAD & Co, Milgadara Young has been a participant in the Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey (ABARES Farm Survey Program).

The purpose of this survey is to monitor the production and economic situation of farmers throughout Australia. When we decided to participate in this survey we were also told that it was to compare Biological Farming against Conventional Farming to see if it was profitable.

The results for 2015-16, 2016 – 17 & 2017 - 18 have had YLAD & Co in the top 90th percentile compared with industry statics for cash receipts.

Having just received the 2017-2018 results I decided to delve a little deeper and graph up the results comparing our farm and enterprises against the other 46 farms surveyed in our region.

Overwhelmed by the results I wanted to share them with our valued customers who have taken the leap into biological farming and illustrate how biological farming can be more profitable.

Please click on this link below to see the comparison:

The summary report

“Farm performance: broadacre and dairy farms 2016 -17, 2017-18” is available at
