Well 2018 is done and dust-ed, literally. What a year, with all our East-ern customers experiencing a year of weather unpredictability and uncertainty. Unfortunately if predictions are right this is going to become the norm.
The one thing we have to cope with these events is good decision making but remember decisions made yesterday may not be the best one when looked at in the future . Do not dwell on the past, make plans for the future and live in the present. (read my article on how I dealt with my depression in the past)
After returning from Chile with some sort of bug I decided to treat myself to a 5 day detox retreat in Bryon Bay in February to set myself up for what has turned out to be a very busy year. The link between soil health and human health is so clear and it seems our past is coming back to bite us with record increases in disease, there is a direct collation between the increase in Neuro-logical diseases and Glysophate use.
Despite the drought many customers reported above average livestock weight gains and har-vest yields. This , I believe is due to incorpo-rating microbiology into their regime and build-ing organic carbon in the soils and understanding the nine aspects of the soil. (see article below). After 16 years of running YLAD Living Soils it has become very evident that if we are going to build resilience into our farming systems we need to address the nine aspects of the soil. How many farmers get approached each week to buy a product that is the so called magic silver bullet, only to be disappointed that it doesn’t show results. If there was a magic silver bullet , trust me, I would have found it by now!!!
Learning: Increasing your knowledge through reading and study; Life Choices: Make your choice to take comprehensive soil tests to under-stand your soils and observing in the paddock will help. Legacy: What legacy are you wanting to leave?
Make sure you question things that you hear, build your toolbox with advice and knowledge. Having knowledgeable well informed customers is my passion. You own your soil, not me.
Enjoy the Newsletter while relaxing over the Christmas, New Year holiday and I so look for-ward to speaking to you and helping you build soil, plant, animal and human health in 2019. Merry Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience”